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Asset & Site Management System

APOLLO's Asset & Site Management System from TKH Security actively manages critical infrastructure, ensuring operational resilience.
Home APOLLO Asset and Site Management System

We Enhance the Resilience of Your Unmanned Critical Infrastructure Sites.

Certain processes are so essential to society that failure can lead to serious social disruption and pose a threat to the national economy, security, and health.

What constitutes Critical Infrastructure?

Vital Infrastructure covers critical sectors with 24/7 management needs and high-consequence assets.

Examples include:
Energy, Drinking water, Telecom/ICT, Transportation, Financial systems, Public order & Safety, National Defence.

With APOLLO Asset and Site Management from TKH Security, operators can oversee critical infrastructure management systems, ensuring 24/7 protection for energy, water, telecom, and national security.

Challenges for Critical Infrastructure: Access Control

Vital Infrastructure sites face challenges such as sabotage, unauthorized access, and vulnerability due to conventional locks and easily copied keys.

VI sites also battle with:

  • Keyholder procedures that can be time consuming, inefficient and costly.
  • Carelessness, disinterest, and inaccurate Key Management.
  • Lack of control over who has access to certain locations and at what time.
Asset & Site Management from TKH Security addresses key management challenges and unauthorized access risks for critical infrastructure.

What is TKH Security ASM?

Our Asset and Site Management solution addresses pain points in unmanned Vital Infrastructure sites, offering essential security features such as

Security Surveillance

Giving you peace of mind that your unmanned Vital Infrastructure is getting the attention it needs, round the clock!

Environmental Monitoring

Gives access to operators who can manage, monitor and read all functionalities of Vital Infrastructure from one centralized network operations centre.

24/7 operation

Vital Infrastructure doesn’t operate in cycles, it’s designed to be a constant, operating 24/7, which is what our system does to support your site with all the above, day-in, day-out.

Main Value

Unmanned network locations in the public domain are vulnerable to vandalism and sabotage. Damages not only have financial consequences, but also on the availability of your services, and to the reputation of your organisation. Physical security and continuous monitoring are essential for better protection.

Various environmental conditions can negatively influence the lifespan of your valuable assets. If these conditions take on undesirable values for a longer period of time, they will sooner lead to disruptions and breakdowns. Repair/replacement costs unnecessarily drive up the lower case total cost of ownership

Is it your own Service technicians and/or Subcontractors that need to have access to the unmanned locations for connection management and maintenance? As the Network Operation Center, it is crucial to maintain control, ensuring that access is granted appropriately. It’s essential to understand who requires access, the specific locations, the timing, and the reasons for access.

Adequate centralised Key Management is essential for the security of your vulnerable and costly assets. The processes of issuing, returning, and managing keys, along with concerns about loss, unauthorized duplication, and mishandling, can result in a vulnerable and expensive management system. Your priority lies in ensuring security, as well as optimizing efficiency to save both time and resources.

Main Functionalities

Temperature and Humidity monitoring

Using TKH Security’s APOLLO solution, temperature and humidity can be monitored using a threshold limit that when exceeded alerts an operator, prompting corrective action.

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TKH Security’s APOLLO Asset and Site Management system for environmental monitoring.

Shock and Tilt scenarios

These have the possibility to damage equipment that can become displaced and broken. Using three-dimensional motion detection, an operator alarm is raised when a tilt threshold of more than 25 degrees occurs.

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TKH Security’s APOLLO Asset and Site Management system monitoring temperature and humidity levels with automated alerts for critical infrastructure protection.

Intrusion Detection

Using a passive infrared sensor, scenarios of potential intrusion can be detected through monitored inputs that can alert operators of potential threats.

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With TKH Security’s APOLLO Asset and Site Management system, secure areas are monitored by passive infrared sensors detecting potential intrusions in real time.

Fire Detection

Featuring an optical smoke detector, monitored inputs deliver crucial information to oversee this risk.

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With TKH Security’s Asset & Site management system, Optical smoke detectors provide early fire detection and risk monitoring for enhanced asset and site management safety.

Access Control

Door readers/contacts, which utilize card or Bluetooth technology, enable seamless entry and management, reducing the risks and challenges associated with lost or poorly managed keys.

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Door readers using card or Bluetooth technology for secure access control and efficient entry asset and site management from TKH Security’s Asset & Site management system.

Optional Integration

Optional integrations with video surveillance and verification functionalities allow for the possibility of audio communication to a Network Operation Center via intercom.

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With TKH Security Asset and Site management system, Video surveillance and intercom systems integrate with a Network Operation Center for enhanced security and real-time communication.


Universal I/O functionalities allow for connecting third-party systems to your locations such as climate control and backup power based on your needs.

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With TKH Security’s Asset and Site management system, Integration of third-party systems like climate control and backup power are possible through universal I/O functionalities for enhanced operational efficiency.

Flood Detection

With water sensors installed, our system sends an operator alert when a limit is reached, allowing for the appropriate action to be taken to avoid equipment damage.

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With TKH Security’s Asset and Site Management, unmanned infrastructure is equipped with flood detection systems and water sensors for proactive asset protection.

Customer Stories

Deutsche Glasfaser

Established in 2012 by the Dutch firm Reggeborgh, Deutsche Glasfaser deliver fibre to the home (FTTH) in regions of North Rhine-Westphalia…

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TKH Security's advanced access control and environmental monitoring systems enhance security at Deutsche Glasfaser's infrastructure.


VodafoneZiggo is a leading Dutch company that supplies landline, mobile and integrated communications and entertainment services to consumers and businesses…

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Case study on TKH Security’s implementation of access control systems for VodafoneZiggo’s facilities.
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Asset & Site Management System