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Home News Security Management Streamline Your Security with One Click: Easy configuration for Installers and Administrators

Streamline Your Security with One Click: Easy configuration for Installers and Administrators

Security Management 24.05.2024

Installers and System Administrators can experience unparalleled convenience and ease with ATLAS Access!

ATLAS Config:

Adding installers to the ATLAS Web Portal is easy! By inputting their details (as shown in the animation), you can invite them effortlessly via email to configure locks within your facility.

One Click Commissioning:

Adding Locks? Simple! Use ATLAS Config to scan for factory-default non configured locks and assign them to ATLAS quickly with a single click, making them visible in the Web Portal.

Removing Locks is just as easy! Navigate to the lock in ATLAS, select “remove lock,” and watch it swiftly return to factory-default settings.

Watch the animation here and see how configuring different types of hardware couldn’t be easier!