
This page contains useful information such as FAQs, downloads, license activation, documents and more. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact one of our support departments.
Knowledge Base
In our Knowledge Base you can find technical information about our software and hardware, such as manuals, tutorials and calculators.
Visit our Knowledge Base.
The TKH Security Control Room offers support for all our solutions. The control room is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00 hours and can be reached by dialing our general phone number or by e-mail to
You can also contact our Support Tickets Portal. Here you can submit and review all your requests.
Customer Portal
You have the possibility via our website to visit our customer portal. In your customer portal you can find for example an overview of your licenses, RMAs (Return Material Authorizations) and product certificates. You do not have an account yet?
Please sign up.
Contract Management
At TKH Security, we guarantee our clients support and a variety of contract possibilities. Each project can be followed up by a long-term relationship, maintained by our experts.
Software Downloads
It is possible to download software updates via our knowledge base.
License (de)activation and reset
You can activate or deactivate your license(s) on our portal.
To request a reset of your license click here.
Training Sessions
We offer several English and Dutch technical software training sessions for both beginner and expert.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If you cannot find the answer you are looking for on our website, please check our FAQ’s.